Looking to upgrade Skyview Classic


New Member
Apr 26, 2020
I have a 2013 Flight Design CTLSi with Classic displays and Garmin 796 and a trutrak autopilot. I want to obtain my IFR rating and am considering swapping out the 796 for a Garmin 175 or 355. Also, considering changing to the HDX displays to add touch functionality along with changing to the Dynon autopilot to add a level button and autopilot control panel.
No plans to fly the plane in IFR conditions, just want to use it for training.

A couple of questions:

1. Is the HDX a useful upgrade?
2. Is the autopilot a useful upgrade? I know the control panel would be helpful.
3. Has anyone run into issues with a 175 or 355 talking to the Classic or HDX?

Any other info is appreciated.



Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
1) We'd say yes, but we're biased :). The pilot interface is much improved - a generation forward - over Classic. But we still sell, and folks still love, SkyView Classic. We'll let others weigh in.
2) For IFR, autopilot is definitely a useful workload reduction.
3) Both of those work great!

One thing to know: assuming this an S-LSA, you'll need to work with Flight Design to obtain permission to upgrade your panel.


New Member
Apr 26, 2020
Thanks for the reply. I'm in Tulsa at KRVS and the Airtime Aviation guys are just a few rows over. They said it would be an issue to get permission.
One more crazy question: Is there any chance of a Classic-HDX trade-in program?


Active Member
Oct 9, 2011
Eastern Iowa
You can go IFR if you go ELSA but you have to be very cautions of how the Operating Limitations are written. Some of the OL paragraphs will not let you go IFR if they are included. Talk to your DAR and read the Order first to be sure you don't' get ambushed. Go back over to CTFLIER and there are lots of discussions on this issue with Flight Design.


New Member
Dec 11, 2019
I have a 2013 Flight Design CTLSi with Classic displays and Garmin 796 and a trutrak autopilot. I want to obtain my IFR rating and am considering swapping out the 796 for a Garmin 175 or 355. Also, considering changing to the HDX displays to add touch functionality along with changing to the Dynon autopilot to add a level button and autopilot control panel.
No plans to fly the plane in IFR conditions, just want to use it for training.

A couple of questions:

1. Is the HDX a useful upgrade?
2. Is the autopilot a useful upgrade? I know the control panel would be helpful.
3. Has anyone run into issues with a 175 or 355 talking to the Classic or HDX?

Any other info is appreciated.

Your classic display will easily sell to help fund the HDX display if the upgrade is permitted.
the autopilot is essential IMHO for IFR flight however not so much for training


New Member
Jan 15, 2021
Over the last 1.5 years I have upgraded from a 7" Skyview Classic EFIS to a 10" HDX, replaced an external transponder and radio with the Dynon integrated transponder, radio and intercom and installed both autopilot servos. So far I'm controlling autopilot with the HDX EFIS but am considering the separate $450 AP control panel and the $250 3-knob panel. I obsessed over the extra cost of stepping up to HDX from the Classic. After all, the 10" of screen space was my main goal. But the HDX screen has much higher resolution so produces much clearer graphics and more legible text. It seems the CPU may also be faster. Probably the biggest practical factor is that soon the old Classic architecture will no longer be supported with new software upgrades and additional or improved features. HDX is the Dynon future. And I believe that's where you and I both want to be. I also thought that touch screen function wouldn't matter to me. I prefer to keep my sweaty fingers off the screen and only use buttons. I still feel that way but... if I'm saturated for a moment with extra work load, I am glad I can revert to quick, intuitive touch screen buttons. A good example is if I'm calling in for VFR approach to a Class Delta airport, am transitioning from autopilot control to stick flying to enter the pattern as directed, talking to ATC, adjusting throttle and trim, monitoring temps on my fragile little jabiru engine, then unexpectedly the tower requests IDENT, just tap the Transponder annunciation part of the screen and a large, obvious IDENT button appears to make that little task so easy and intuitive. Other functions are similarly very useful. About autopilot-- don't even think about it; just order the servos and well-priced installation kits, the time-saving electrical harnesses and never look back. The AP controller is already in your EFIS Panel so enjoy the wonderful convenience of this very affordable function. You don't Have To install the external panels to use AP. But make sure you leave space to add them later. They are just such a bargain and further simplify cockpit work load. I now use AP for every part of almost every flight except for takeoff and entry to the pattern for landing. Your passenger will appreciate the smooth, stable control of flight and you won't wonder into an unintended altitude or heading while pointing out landmarks to your passenger, reaching for a granola bar or water, etc. I can't say enough good about how well designed the electronic architecture is on Dynon Skyview products. Only exception to this is the wiring diagram/installation-instructions for the Intercom/radio harness is just plain WRONG because it has never been updated to represent the current, Trig-designed/built radio. I also find, every time I upgrade to an integrated Skyview component, there are other features and benefits beyond the base function of the unit. For instance, adding the $450 external AP control panel also provides automatic roll and pitch trim motor control, acts as your trim servo relay deck AND provides means of adjusting rate of servo movement speed. The functions provided by the Dynon radio-- get outta here! That thing is Awesome! Yeah, go 10" HDX and full Dynon Autopilot.


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
Only exception to this is the wiring diagram/installation-instructions for the Intercom/radio harness is just plain WRONG because it has never been updated to represent the current, Trig-designed/built radio

A revision to this doc is actually in progress now