
New Member
Jan 7, 2007
Updated from 5.0.0. on the EFIS, D100 to 5.1.1. Both the D100 & D120 were on and working correctly.
Lost the DSAB connection after updating and the compass readout is shaking badly and giving a false reading. Went to update the D120 after realising that was also on version 5.0.0. but cannot establish a connection. "No device found" message. I have updated both the D100 and D120 in the past no problem and have checked update cable for continuity and that is also good.
Any ideas what the problem is?
Tried to configure DSAB connection in the 100 but still no connection.

Restored version 5.0.0. on the D100 and have the DSAB connection and compass back now but am still not able to make a connection with the D120. Same cable and laptop communicates with the D100. Tried connection on a friends D120 and that was ok as well. Continuity is OK on mine up to the plug at the back of the 120, tried all 3 wires. Not sure what to do now? any ideas


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The compass issue is a known one and will be fixed in 5.2, due out very shortly. It sounds like something is either up with the connectivity do the D120's DSAB inputs (sounds like you specifically tested for that), or that there is something actually wrong with the chips that drive DSAB inside the D120. Give tech support a call at 425-402-0433 or support at dynonavionics dot com for further help on that part of it if you haven't already.