Lost speedindication


New Member
Feb 1, 2009
To day I lost speedindication total. First I read very high airspeed and the horisontal line was wery sensetive. Later to slow indication. Try to make a new upstart in air, get a black/grey screen for first time.
Now instrument use GPS for speedindication.
My instrument is Efis D100 nr.:03484
Last week manifold pressure goes dead on my EMS120, the censor is for Rotax.
Are there somthing I can do here in Denmark? It is a big work to sent all stuff to USA.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Almost always, airspeed problems are issues in the plumbing or connections that lead up to the unit. Disconnect your pitot from the back of the D100 and with your finger, seal the pitot port and push on it (creating pressure on the pitot sensor). If you see airspeed come alive, look downstream in your plumbing/connection to find your issues. If airspeed truly isn't registering, we will need to see your unit here.

It is normal to see the black/grey screen when you start the unit in the air until the EFIS is certain of the attitude.

The MAP sensor has 3 connections, and any of then coming apart will cause the reading to fail. Also, check the plumbing going to the sensor. If you want to find the part locally, you can shop for any of the following parts as a replacement:

New GM Part #16254539
Napa PN: CRB21963
Autozone P/N: Wells SU129
AC Delco #213-361
( Shucks/Kragen/Checker)