MAP Sensor PSI conversion


New Member
Aug 14, 2011
I am calibrating my MAP sensor and I have noticed there is an internal conversion done by Dynon to go from psi to inches HG. In other words, the "value" displayed on the EMS debug page next to the raw voltage is not the number displayed on the engine page widget. Is this just the standard conversion of multiplying by 2.036 to convert psi to inches HG or is there something else in there? Is there a way to turn that internal conversion off?

I'm curious, why didn't you just write the linear equation to just convert the voltage to inches HG and skip the middle man?



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
All of our pressure sensors are treated internally in PSI. We don't treat the MAP sensor special. We digitize the voltage from it, run it through the voltage to PSI polynomial, and that gives us PSI.

This is what is display on the sensor page.

Then we do the conversion to whatever the user wants. MAP just happens to generally be inHg in most cases, but we allow others.