Master Features Roadmaps


New Member
Oct 1, 2007
Master Features Roadmaps

Previous posts and discussions, (PhantomPholly, dragonflyhkg, and others) have acknowledged the Dynon approach to product development as being along the path of an “appliance” with “standard symbology and representations”.

Whilst the Dynon approach to the task of product development is such, there is still a demand for the development of features within that context of product development.

Dynon has previously stated that development of future firmware features will be based only on user demand. The current method of posting feature requests within various forum topics hinders the product user in particular. In practical terms, the users are unable to reliably determine what features are in process, expected in the future or are being requested.

To that end, is it possible to set up a master list on the Support Forum of CURRENT, IN PROCESS, FUTURE and REQUESTED features for each Dynon product, so that the users can assess such additional features, and register their desire for development of such features?

I note that a similar “roadmap” was recently released for the Skyview product, however this suggested list for the other products would contribute greatly to the orderly, assisted development of the other Dynon products, to the benefit of the manufacturer and the user.

Comments please?

FlightDEK-D180, HS34, D10-EMS


Jan 22, 2010
I agree that I would like to see the same plan. I would propose that Dynon take polls with 2-3 "wish list" items they are considering based on feedback. For example, I keep asking for the Vertical Power integration, I know there are others who are waiting as well, yet there is nothing to indicate when one might see that? August release maybe.. than there is the navigation updates- many sit in "future release" but knowing when future is would also help (is it 1-2 years, 3 years?) in other words a "near future" within 1 year and long term future, more than 1 year, before expected release would also be great. having a roadmap as dragonflyhkg proposed would certainly cut back many of the questions.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We understand that people are interested in knowing the future of all of our products, given that we have a long history of adding significant functionality through firmware updates. We'll think about how to best communicated this information better in the future. Know that we do have an internal tracking system that we use to prioritize features, and basically everything reasonable posted here gets into it for review and consideration. There are many reasons that we're not 100% transparent with that list and what we're thinking about doing from moment to moment (priorities change; projects get shuffled; etc,etc...). We do try to publish what's coming up once we're certain of it though.

A couple of other thoughts:

The biggest priority for SkyView is to deliver the major features that we promised in December: things like Autopilot, HSI, a basic moving map (and then to continue maturing it). Some of the smaller but admittedly cool features and compatibilities will absolutely get de-prioritized until we've delivered what we said we would.

On the D10/D100 series: On the D10/D100 series, the hardware capabilities to add graphic features is limited. They will continue to get autopilot improvements, bug fixes, and perhaps some smaller features, but many of the things that SkyView is capable of (moving map and synthetic vision are the biggies) the D10/D100 series simply doesn't have the hardware to do.