Missing global settings in D180


New Member
Jan 4, 2009
I have a D180 which originally came with 4.2 software. It did not display the global or sensor settings in the settings menu. After updating it to version 5.0(the version display now says) these functions initially appeared. Now they are gone again. Also the few settings that were made are gone. everything appears to be back at the defaults. What went wrong?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
That's odd. If the unit was locked down by an OEM (they can do this to disable access to settings menus in manufactured aircraft), the buttons would be inaccessible and simply blank. However, such a unit would not allow itself to be updated either.

Was it possible that you were on the EFIS side of the menu system? On the FlightDEK-D180, the EFIS and EMS SETUP menus are entirely independent.

The settings thing is odd too. Not sure what to make of it to be honest. Do you have a pre-upgrade backup? If you do, you could send it to us , zipped up, and support@dynonavionics.com (include a link to this thread) and we could take a look and see if we can reproduce your problem.