Mounting ADHARS


New Member
Jan 3, 2010
What is the minimum distance from 4130 tubing that I can safely mount my ADHARS. I was hoping to mount it to an aluminum plate and then use adel clamps to attach that plate to the 4130 tubing. Does this sound like it will work? Thanks


New Member
Dec 7, 2009
DS, this rather thick guy I know used a digital angle gauge to align the ADAHRS bracket with the ADAHRS already mounted. It worked well, but he suddenly realised that the gauge had three strong magnets in its base. How will he tell if he has affected the factory calibration of the magnetometer as warned about in the installation manual?

Of course, I wouldn't do anything so stupid.



Jan 20, 2008
Alexandria, VA

I took a hand held compass and took a reading away from the plane.  I then placed in the plane (in my case on the canard), took another reading - no change.

I then turned on all the power in the plane, and GULP, no change  :)

This is a very simple way to determine if there is any magnetic interference.

Hope this helps.  Tim


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Non-insane levels magnetism won't permanently affect anything. As long as that thing didn't have an MRI or a large hadron collider in the base, you should be fine.


New Member
Feb 10, 2010
I am in the process of mounting dual ADAHRS in my Defiant and it's going to be a challenge. For one thing, I don't have a "tail" in which to mount them so I tried other areas, including under the rear seats, behind the instrument panel, and in the luggage area. In each case, with the ADAHRS connected to the Skyview display, I get at least 1 degree heading shift when I engage power flow through the main power bus (which runs front to back in the center console) or, in the case of the instrument panel mount, I get several degrees of change when moving the elevator. (The elevator is attached to the canard). So I'm left with the area behind the main fuel tank but in front of the center section spar. There is plenty of room but it is accessed through a VERY small hole and of course I'll have to run pitot and static lines from the middle of the canard (span=24') all the way to the back of the fuselage. Doable but tricky. Oh, and I am building a mount that is adjustable so that I can accommodate pitch and roll errors in the mount relative to stable flight.

A fellow Defiant builder has the GRT units and he installed his magnetic sensors out in the canard, away from everything. But they're smaller and don't require P&S hoses and I really don't like the idea of just gluing the ADAHRS into a primary structure where it will not be easilly accessible.

Just my two cents.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Just FYI, there's a possibility - but no guarantee - that we'll eventually build a separate magnetometer for SkyView to help with installation issues like this. It's not in the pipeline right now though, and not scheduled.


Active Member
May 7, 2006
Just FYI, there's a possibility - but no guarantee - that we'll eventually build a separate magnetometer for SkyView to help with installation issues like this. It's not in the pipeline right now though, and not scheduled.

With all due respect, this is a significant flaw in the Skyview architecture. The location requirements for the magnetometer which wants to be in the wing or tail are not compatible with the pitot/static/aoa/attitude systems, which want to be behind the panel.

In my HR-II, I am having real trouble finding a location that is accessible. Not impossible if I was 12" shorter and 100lbs lighter. It's easier for Dynon to redesign than for me to morph into a midget!



New Member
Dec 8, 2009
for my -7 brining the pressure lines aft to the tail was much easier than going to the panel... static is already there and pitot and aoa come from the wing under the floor pan and back... much more room for wiring to the panel without these three lines.


New Member
Feb 10, 2010
I took 1 step forward and 3 steps backward today. The area I had chosen for the ADAHRS didn't work out at all. With the plane headed 175 degrees, the ADAHRS indicated 230 and the only thing I can think might be affecting it is the magnetos in the rear engine (Defiant). So I decided to put it under the rear seat; lots of room; no metal nearby except for the seat belts. To get the right reading, I had to remove ALL of the steel from my mount, including the steel nut plates I had used. But I think it's going to work; it better; there just isn't any other place! Oh, and I found that I needed to take my wristwatch off in order to get good values when holding the ADAHRS; that thing is SENSITIVE!


New Member
Feb 16, 2010
I installed my ADAHARS under the pilot seat in the Berkeze. It was really the only place I could find that was decent because of the way everything is integrated into the unit. I do have some heading swings when I turn on the Landing Light and also when the Main Landing Gear pump fires up but that baby draws 50 amps. Who would have thought it would be so difficult to find a decent ADAHARS location in a canard type. I searched for a place in that airplane that didn't get beat up by flowing electrons but I didn't find one. I wonder if a lead enclosure would help?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
You certainly don't want to enclose the ADAHRS. If you're shielding it from interference, you're also shielding it from Earth's mag field.