MY D10 does not talk to my laptop


wim huisman(Guest)


I got my D10 back, and tried to upload my Checklists.

Purchased the Radioshack USB to Serial cable, if I connect to my unit it acknowledges with the message "Found Instrument on Comm 6 " but unable to downlaod SW version or Upload checklists.

After trying all other comms it tells me then that no device is found.

If I try ty yhe Mgcal SW it does find the instrument, all commands are received and I see data coming accross.

What do I need to do to get my Checklists uploaded.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Is this a D10 or a D10A? I know you said D10, just checking...

Are you choosing the correct product in the list of products? The D10 and the D10A act totally different in this area and you need to choose the right product type.

I'll have the engineer that did that program check tomorrow and see if we can recreate the problem.

wim huisman(Guest)

I am using correct D-10 in the list, rebooted Laptop twice, everytime it tells me after reboot and firing up Dynon support SW that it finds Instrument on Comm 6 or 7 if I change USB port.

Then I ask SW version , and it can not connect, starts quering com 1,2.3 etc , until it quits and tells me no Instrument connected.

Mgcal program does see the instrument, all commands are displayed.
New cable Radioshack

What to do now


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
This kind of sounds like the transmit wire from your PC to the EFIS is damaged. Does the screen ever go into the yellow "loading" screen?

Finding the instrument and seeing data in the MagCal program means the EFIS data is making it to the PC. But to do anything else, the PC needs to be able to send data to the EFIS. I would check the wire from pin 22 on the EFIS and make sure it hooks to pin 3 on the PC connector, and that it isn't shorted to ground or something else. If you have a good connection between 22 and 3, then your EFIS or your USB converter might be damaged.