NAV and OAT communication problem


New Member
May 17, 2007
Zurich Switzerland
I am wondering if anybody can help me to solve the problem.

My installation consists of an EFIS-D100, a FlightDeck-D180, a Garmin SL30 and a EKP AvMapIV. The cable of the OAT probe is connected to the EDC-D10A of the EFIS-D100 (as sensor type 2). The SL-30 is connected to pin 22 on the FlightDEK’s EFIS connector (vertical DB25).

The OAT is always presented on the EFIS-D100. To have the OAT presented on the FlightDEK-D180, I have to configure the DSAB on the EFIS-D100 as ‘Master’. But then, I am not able to get the green NAV indication from the SL30 on either HSI page (neither EFIS-D100 nor DEK180).

If I do the DSAB configuration on the FlightDEK-D180 as ‘Master’, I get the green NAV indication from the SL-30 (I can toggle between magenta GPS and green NAV on the EDFIS-D100 and DEK180 HSI pages) but I loose the OAT on the DEK180 (system shows «PRIMARY OAT SENSOR LOST »). By no means I can bring the OAT back on the FlightDek’s screen, except with the following step.

If The DSAB configuration is done again on the EFIS, the OAT comes back on both screens, but the NAV indication from the SL30 disappears, only magenta GPS can be called via the NAV source button.

We have checked for correct wiring. On the FlightDEK sensor page, only GP input 1 is used for the carburator temp, the other two inputs are ‘not used’.

I know it sounds complicated, but maybe somebody else experienced the same problem and can help me with some hints to solve the problem.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
So a couple of questions:

First, make sure that the OAT setting on the D180 under EFIS>SETUP is set to N, and that none of the GP inputs on the EMS side of it are set up for OAT. Then try reconfiguring from the D180. If that doesn't work, the easiest solution may be to have all of your GPS, SL30, and OAT all connected to the D180 (via its EDC or on one of the EMS's GP inputs - either will work), and make it the master. That's really the ideal setup.