nav data software pricing


New Member
Feb 26, 2010
I understand that the nav data software is not available yet but I am unclear as to the future pricing of this feature. You have a suggested $500 dollar price for this feature. Is this a one time charge or are there going to be recurring charges for updates every 28 days to keep it current? Thank you, GEG


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The $500 is a one time charge.

If you are in the US, data updates will be free for airspace, airports and obstacle data. If you are in another country, data updates will likely be charged for (since there is no free source for them like the FAA).


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
As long as they are connected via SkyNet, you only pay $500 once. There will be a method so that if one screen fails the other one still works for a large number of flight hours so that you do not lose the functionality while one screen is being repaired.


New Member
Feb 26, 2010
I'm trying to decide if I should keep or replace my King KMD 150 VFR gps for another 7" Skyview screen. My KMD 150 depicts airspace, airports, obstructions, nav facilities (NDB/ VOR), rivers, roads/highways and terrain elevations. It also includes information in it's data base about these items.

Am I comparing apples with apples when I look at the Skyview system compared with my KMD 150?

I would prefer to replace my KMD 150 with the Skyview if it produces the same information. So far all I know is that the Skyview will eventually produce airspace, airports and obstructions for the one time $500 charge. Is this correct? Thanks, GEG


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Eventually, the SkyView will make an excellent replacement for your VFR GPS. But this won't be for at least 6 months, and probably a bit longer. We wouldn't recommend anyone actually pull a GPS unit until we are actually shipping what they need.

We already show terrain at resolutions higher than anyone. But that's in the base skyview price.

Our first release (next week hopefully) shows airspace, airports, and VOR's. But you cannot get any info about these items, they are images only.

We'll add obstacles hopefully a month or two after that, graphical only.

The next release after that (planned for August) will add the ability to navigate to points via direct-to, and look up info on airports.

After that, we'll add a cursor, the ability to pan the map, and click on any object for info. That will be early next year.

So as you can see, it depends on what you really need from the system as to if it will replace another GPS for your needs.