Nav Radio Configuration


New Member
Aug 9, 2006
I have a D-100, HS-34, G530W and SL30. When I roll the airplane outside I can get a nearby VOR and really quick GPS lock. The HSI seems to work as expected for those limited signals (airplane not moving). Now, if I enter the configuration and test modes on the G530 or SL30, I don't get the expected output on the HSI. This includes veiwing and hiding flags and deflecting vertical and horizontal CDIs. The HSI displays NAV invalid flag and no CDI and no VDI.

I also do not get a vertical CDI displayed when tuning an LOC frequency, but I have no way to test this with a valid LOC or GS signal.

What might I be missing? Is this behavior typical?

The test the G530 sends to the HSI during startup displays everything as expected though.

What settings in the G530 congifuration for ARINC best matches the D-100? Right now I have everthing set to high data rate, EFIS-Airdata, and GAMA 429.

Said another way, what format do I set in the EFIS and in the G530 on the ARINC bus?


Doug Dodson


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
See the recommended configuration at


New Member
Aug 9, 2006
Thanks for the pooint out. I had that configuration exactly, based on my best guess combined with some trial and error.

Still, there is no apparent function on the HSI when using either the SL30 configuration or the G530W display test pages (main or NAV/LOC/GS).

The HSI does appear to work correctly during normal operation with the limited amont of valid data I can get on the ground.

Why won't the HSI respond to the test outputs? This seems odd.
