Network Hub?s 12V Power leads,? Servos, ADAHRS


I love flying!
Mar 6, 2012
Starting the wiring of the two servos and ADAHRS.RV9A ADAHRS is behind baggage bulk head.Whats the best or most convenient location for network hub? Can I run the ADAHRS wires and the wires from the two servos to the network hub Dsubs and then to the skyview? These harnesses from each unit has a power lead and ground wire lead,are these to be run separately away from the network hub to the fuse panel or can they run thru the network hub and then up to the skyview and then separated just before for fusing? New to this forum, I tried locating this info in past posts but was overwhelmed. The servo show 1.59 amps under continuous use in Dynon Instl guide,by adding second servo current draw should it be fused at 5 amps. Maybe there is a Dynon flow chart that depicts all flow and connections that I have missed which I think the latter is more true.. Sorry if my questions are redundant.

Ron in Oregon :-/


Murray M.
Dec 26, 2009
Saskatoon SK CAN
The Skyview network cable uses all nine wires so it's not possible to use any wires for the servo power and ground.

You can connect the ADAHRS and the servos to the network hub in the back and run a single network cable from the hub to Skyview. However you will have to break out the three wires from the servos (power/ground/AP disengage) and run them separately. That's what I did but the network hub wasn't available so I used a terminal block to splice the wires together. The hub would be much easier and cleaner looking.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005

As mmarien said, don't run your 12V and servo disconnect through the 9-pin connector.

It's fine to connect the following onto a SV-NET-HUB:
* SV-ADAHRS-200/201 (all 9 wires)
* SkyView Network cable running forward (all 9 wires)
* Pitch Servo SkyView Network wires (Blue, Green, White/Blue, White/Green wires only)
* Roll Servo SkyView Network wires (Blue, Green, White/Blue, White/Green wires only)

You'll need a separate connector (s) and wiring for the 12V power to the servos, AND a separate wire and connector for the Servo Disconnect (Yellow) wire on the servos.

As far as where (physically) to locate the SV-NET-HUB, put it anywhere that's convenient / safe / expedient.

Starting the wiring of the two servos and ADAHRS.RV9A ADAHRS is behind baggage bulk head.Whats the best or most convenient location for network hub? Can I run the ADAHRS wires and the wires from the two servos to the network hub Dsubs and then to the skyview? These harnesses from each unit has a power lead and ground wire lead,are these to be run separately away from the network hub to the fuse panel or can they run thru the network hub  and then up to the skyview and then separated just before for fusing? New to this forum, I tried locating this info in past posts but was overwhelmed. The servo show 1.59 amps under continuous use in Dynon Instl guide,by adding second servo current draw should it be fused at 5 amps. Maybe there is a Dynon flow chart that depicts all flow and connections that I have missed which I think the latter is more true..  Sorry if my questions are redundant.

Ron in Oregon :-/


I love flying!
Mar 6, 2012
I did exactly as you described. Installed the network hub under the directly under the passenger seat. Both servos tied to hub. red/black / pulled out and wired to switch and then to their own fuse. Yellow routed thru grip switch. All leads tested ok with V/ohm meter. Now my ADAHRS cable (9 wire) can it be connected directly to one of the two 9 pin Dsubs on the back of the skyview? Then a four wire harness from the network hub to the other 9 pin Dsub connector on the back of the skyview. I say this because I have Net-15cp cable thats already pinned and I hate to cut it up just to run 7 feet from the ADAHRS to the network hub then have to make another 9 wire harness from the network hub forward to the skyview 9 pin Dsub thats vacant. I do have two skyviews.. :) :) ;) Tell Mike thanks for helping me thru my confusion. My revision is "N" and you folks are in "U" already. Iam doing the download of the version shortly.

Ron in Salem RV9A


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
If you're not intending on connecting anything else to the hub (and then using it only to connect the servos), you can indeed run just the 4 data wires to the back of SkyView. Then you can use the other DB9 on Skyview to connect your ADAHRS. Alternatively, you can run a full 9 pin connector from the hub to the display, and then run a 9 pin connector from the hub to the ADAHRS.