Starting the wiring of the two servos and ADAHRS.RV9A ADAHRS is behind baggage bulk head.Whats the best or most convenient location for network hub? Can I run the ADAHRS wires and the wires from the two servos to the network hub Dsubs and then to the skyview? These harnesses from each unit has a power lead and ground wire lead,are these to be run separately away from the network hub to the fuse panel or can they run thru the network hub and then up to the skyview and then separated just before for fusing? New to this forum, I tried locating this info in past posts but was overwhelmed. The servo show 1.59 amps under continuous use in Dynon Instl guide,by adding second servo current draw should it be fused at 5 amps. Maybe there is a Dynon flow chart that depicts all flow and connections that I have missed which I think the latter is more true.. Sorry if my questions are redundant.
Ron in Oregon :-/
Ron in Oregon :-/