New Heated Pitot Install/Retrofit


Aug 16, 2007
Reno NV
I removed my unheated pitot and installed my new heated pitot today. First problem I encountered was the single attach screw I used to secure the pitot to the mask in my unheated pitot. The attach screw cleared the two tubes by a wide margin in the unheated probe. Using the same hole in the mask to locate the drill point in the new heated pitot lined up almost perfectly with the most forward tube in the new heated probe. I managed to dodge that bullet, had I assumed, without checking, that the tube locations were identical from probe to probe, I would be a most unhappy camper right now. A note to check tube location for retrofit pitot installations might save someone some grief. After installation, I flew to (1) charge my Dynon BU batteries (See RVMILLS post) and (2) check functionality of my brand new shinny heated pitot. Airspeed appeared right on the money, however, the AOA was fast, it worked but did not indicated full stall visually or by tone on several touch and goes as it normally did with my unheated probe. Am I correct to assume that each new probe must be individually calibrated to the airplane. Is there that much deviation in the manufacture between the two probes, unheated vs heated? Dan


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
There shouldn't be huge variations between probes, but recalibrating should help.