No HSI+ALT indicaton on skyview autopilot display


I love flying!
Oct 5, 2013
I can not activade the HSI+ALT button on my double big screen display skyview. Just the TKR+ALT button ist working. There are just gray indication Letters HSI+ALt on the screen showing that something is there but not in use to push the soft button. I have Version 7.0 working on my displays. Can somebody help me with my problem?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
It isn't that your bugs are turned off. You can't turn off the bugs that are needed if the AP is installed.

In order for HSI+ALT to work, you must have an active navigation source on the HSI.

First, you must have a navigation source selected. To do this, go into PFD and use HSISRC. You can choose SkyView if you have SkyView's mapping, or an external device like GPS1 or NAV1 if you have other devices in the plane. One of the choices is also no source, and if you have this selected then HSI+ALT will never work.

Then, that device needs to be active. That means you need a flight plan in your GPS or a VOR tuned and in range on your NAV radio. You can't follow the HSI if there's nothing on it!