Murray M.
My voltage regulator was set at +/-14.6V at the factory and it reads 14.4V. This is in the yellow range (13V-14.6V) on the Skyview display. I spoke with another homebuilt and his reads in the top 14V range. My old analog gauge green range was 12.5V-14V and it was above 14V when running. The place I bought my battery said 14.6V is too high and the voltage regulator should be set to 13V.
My electrics are a 12V battery, Crysler alternator, Skyview, GTX327 (11V-33V), iCOM A210 (13.8-27.5), PS1200 (13.8-27.5), MTV 12V electric CS prop, Whelen clearance and strobes (12V-15V).
Does anyone have an opinion to what the voltyage should be set at? Is there a reason for the voltage regulator to be set and 14.6V? If I turn the voltage down to 13V as suggested would the PS1200 and iCOM A210 still work? Where did the 12V-13.6V green range on Skyview come from?
My electrics are a 12V battery, Crysler alternator, Skyview, GTX327 (11V-33V), iCOM A210 (13.8-27.5), PS1200 (13.8-27.5), MTV 12V electric CS prop, Whelen clearance and strobes (12V-15V).
Does anyone have an opinion to what the voltyage should be set at? Is there a reason for the voltage regulator to be set and 14.6V? If I turn the voltage down to 13V as suggested would the PS1200 and iCOM A210 still work? Where did the 12V-13.6V green range on Skyview come from?