Not seeing voltage from Battery Buss

  • Thread starter Bobby Hester(Guest)
  • Start date

Bobby Hester(Guest)

I just got my Dynon EFIS-D10A all hooked up and the ext. compass mounted. I have the Stein-Air wiring harness. I wired it to the main power and I also wired the keep alive to my battery buss. When I turn the unit on it is only showing voltage from the main power and the internal battery, no voltage from the battery buss. I checked pin #2 on the connector and found 14 point somthing on it for voltage. It appears to be an internal problem in the unit not seeing the voltage from the battery buss.

Please let me know what I should do.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We don't report the keep alive voltage.

The voltages reported are:

M- Master Power
E - Emergency Power
I - Internal battery

If you don't have anything hooked to the emergency power input, E will read as zero volts.

The unit won't run off of keep alive- it will only keep the clock set and charge the internal battery if you have one. Because of this, there is no real reason for us to show keep alive voltage since it's only important when the unit is off. If you measure some power on the keep alive wire, you'll be fine.