None of my sensor read correctly from my EMS-220. I have a 24V system and the voltage reading is 11.5V. When I measure the voltage at pins 1 and 3 on the D37 I get 25.5 V. All of the EGT readings are 483 and the CHT vary from 383 to 449. The tach says 231110RPM! I sent the unit back to Dynon and they said it was fine and That I probably have a ground problem. I've been trouble shooting this for about two months now and can't find a ground problem. The last thing I did was to remove the sky view display and wire it directly to the battery (with an inline fuse) and hook up only the EMS. I get the same readings. I did this with both the EMS sensors plugged in and unplugged and got the same readings for both. Has anybody seen anything like this? All of these readings were without the engine running. What should the readings be if you have no sensor hooked up to the EMS?