I feels more like 95F in the hangar but just for the first time turned on the D180 in my panel. OAT says it's -42F in there. Preasure altitude is like -4200 feet as well. So I seem to have a problem. I have the new probe with the black band. Wired per instructions following.
""Here's the complete text from the Addendum that ships with all 3-wire EFIS OATs now:
Appendix B in your Dynon EFIS-based product Installation Guide is updated by this Addendum. Dynon has made changes in the manufacturing of your OAT probe to ease the installation process.
Your OAT comes with pins crimped on the 3 wires. Connect these 3 wires’ pins to the following pin numbers on the D9 which plugs into the EDC-D10A.
• Pin 2: Yellow wire
• Pin 7: Red wire
• Pin 8: Blue wire
The exposed shield wires are not strictly required, but may help OAT performance in noisy environments. If you wish to connect the shield to ground, you may splice it into the blue wire or connect it to the EDC-D10A chassis.
You may lengthen or shorten the connections between the OAT and EDC-D10A. Use the provided crimp connectors on the new wire leads.""
Checked it a couple times now and the pins check correct. Any ideas where to look next?
""Here's the complete text from the Addendum that ships with all 3-wire EFIS OATs now:
Appendix B in your Dynon EFIS-based product Installation Guide is updated by this Addendum. Dynon has made changes in the manufacturing of your OAT probe to ease the installation process.
Your OAT comes with pins crimped on the 3 wires. Connect these 3 wires’ pins to the following pin numbers on the D9 which plugs into the EDC-D10A.
• Pin 2: Yellow wire
• Pin 7: Red wire
• Pin 8: Blue wire
The exposed shield wires are not strictly required, but may help OAT performance in noisy environments. If you wish to connect the shield to ground, you may splice it into the blue wire or connect it to the EDC-D10A chassis.
You may lengthen or shorten the connections between the OAT and EDC-D10A. Use the provided crimp connectors on the new wire leads.""
Checked it a couple times now and the pins check correct. Any ideas where to look next?