

New Member
Jun 14, 2006
Hi I have a OAT hook on the edc-d10a. It work well since 2006. Since one week, the temp reading is always off by more the + 10 to 14 degree so i can't adjust it becaue the adjustment is + or - 10 deg. C. Have you already have some oat probe failure or you tink it's more a wiring problem ( it was ok for 2 years). Im am flying IFR in canada so I really need a good temp reading

Thank You

Lan VInh Do


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
That OAT probe is really reliable, but of course there's always the chance yours is failing. Also, if it's off when cold - see this service bulletin which may be the culprit:



New Member
Jun 14, 2006
Hi . I talked to somebody at dynon for tech support. He said to me that he will send me an e-mail to calculate the resistance. I didn't receive it but i have an idea of what he want when i read the other topic for OAT problem.
The resistance between pin 1 and 2 so blue and yellow is 13.83 at an ambiant temp of 18.7 deg celcius. Probably you don't want the resistance between 2 and 7 (yellow and red ) but I will give it to you anyway. It's 18.28.
Like i said in the previous message, My probe is installed since 2006. It's not a new installation but it's a new problem since about 2 to 3 week. I did the service billetin for the EDC-10a.
Do you think it's a EDC problem?
I really need the OAT because I am Flying IFR in canada and the freezing level is not high this time of the year.

Thank You


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Your yellow/blue reading is right for that temperature, but you should have only 10K between the yellow and red, and that should never change. If that's closer to 20K, that would cause issues, and you might be looking at a replacement OAT probe. If you've made sure there isn't anything else that's been accidentally connected there.

Also, confirm that you have a type 2 probe?


New Member
Jun 14, 2006
I dont'remember the type 1 ortype 2. I will have to go to the airport tomorow but i remember that when i was selecting the other type of orobe, it was indicating a temp of somthing arount -37 ou -27 deg celcius.

Is there an advantage between the efiis probe and the one that connect to the EMS. I have on EMS probe that i receive with my kit in 2006 ( the one with 2 black an white wire) and i did't connect it because i already had one on the efis( edc-10a) If there is no difference I will install this one on my GP input of the ems d120.
One other thing, can I extend the wire of the oat probe because the location of my actual probe is under the horozontal stab. It was ok to connect withe the edc-10a that is located in the tail of my rv-7 but the wire will be too short to connect to my ems. I will hve to extend the wire. Will it affect my temp value.
If there is some advantage to remain withe the efis oat, I will order a new one.

Thank you

Lan Vinh Do


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
They're basically the same sensor, with the same performance, though the two wire probe can only be hooked up to the EMS, while the three wire probe can be hooked up to either the EMS or the EDC.

Using the other sensor with an EMS GP input should work. Just make sure you set the EFIS>SETUP>OAT to N, and the applicable GP input to OAT. If you have an EFIS and EMS connected via DSAB (vs a standalond FlightDEK-D180), you'll need to do a DSAB reconfiguration after moving to the other probe too.