
New Member
Jan 2, 2006
This is partly a bug report and partly a suggestion for a new feature.

I updated my EFIS-D100 and EMS-D120 to 4.0.  It's great to have ALL functions available on both screens!

First, the bug report.  My OAT is connected to the EMS-D120 GP Input 3.  I see that I can change units to Fahrenheit or Centigrade on either screen and the change is effective on both screens.  However in the EMS SETUP>SENSORS>GP_INPUT3 the color threshold values are set as Fahrenheit units, even if the displayed units are Celsius.  This is a very minor bug; in fact the colors still come out in the correct relative position on the bar graph provided I do the mental math when setting up the thresholds.

Now for the suggested new feature.  My primary concern with OAT is when the temperature is near freezing.  So I would like to add yellow bands at 0C +/- 2 and a red band and alarm at 0C +/- 1.  The exact values (4 points) should be user adjustable, of course.  This is similar to the RPM restricted range on the tach.

Do keep the existing color threshold at the top of the scale as well.  It prompts us to consider density altitude.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
This is a small bug that has a workaround - see http://dynonavionics.com/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1191911233/5 for detailed information.

For now, the workaround is to set SETUP>GLOBAL>UNITS>ENGINE TEMP to the units you want to be able to set in. Then switch it back when you're done setting up the sensor in question. In actual usage, the OAT (and other sensors) should respond to their individual settings on the SETUP>GLOBAL>UNITS menu.


New Member
Dec 21, 2005
I have a similiar OAT concern. In firmware version 3, I was able to set the OAT units to Fahrenheit on the EMS-D10 and Celsius on the EFIS D-10A. I thought it was handy to see both temps. Now, changing the units to Fahrenheit or Celsius on either screen changes both screens. I'd like to get that functionality back as it was in system 3 to see both temps.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
N112B - This behavior was introduced mainly to promote simplicity across DSAB units.

If you have the "type 2" 3 wire EFIS OAT (with red/yellow/blue wires and a small black band of heat shrink tubing near the probe), there is a workaround that would get you this behavior back.

You'd need the yellow wire from the OAT hooked up to both the EDC and to an EMS GP input. The blue wire still goes to ground, either through the EDC-D10A as is normally does, or through an EMS ground. Next, the red wire, if connected to the EDC already, should be disconnected from everything.

Then, set up the GP input you hooked the OAT to as a "GP Temp" under EMS menu> SETUP> SENSORS. You can name it something like OAT2. This input will follow the "ENGINE TEMP" unit settings on the EMS.

Set the EFIS OAT to type 2, and the OAT units to whatever is opposite the EMS ENGINE TEMP units.

Finally, note that when set up this way, if the EMS is powered off, your OAT will be invalid.

Hope that helps.


New Member
Dec 21, 2005
The Dynon OAT probe was connected directly to the EMS D-10 in the original installation. An eventual software fix for this prob would be most appreciated.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Actually, this works with the two wire probe as well. Just run the wire that goes to the EMS GP input to the EDC input as well. Then you can do as described above.


New Member
Dec 21, 2005
Is a simple software fix out of the question? Unit views should be more robust and controllable individually without adding additional wiring...imho. You know, like it worked on earlier system software.

If that's not possible then maybe offer multiple unit views on screen at the same time. There's a lot of real estate on my screens for this kind of info. (Knots/Statute TRUE, Farhenheit/Celcius OAT), (Zulu/Local TIME)


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
For now, yes, a software change is not planned. It's not easy, which is why it's not supported currently, and it's not considered a bug because it is working as designed. The reason it worked before is that the systems didn't share configuration data. This allowed you to set up units differently, but it also required more configuration and could cause problems. We believe the vast majority of our customers prefer a system that self configures rather than requiring them to sync up all their units.

That being said, we will put it on the list for software changes in the future, and if we get more requests we'll bump it up the list.


New Member
Jan 2, 2006
My original message contained a new feature suggestion which hasn't gotten a response yet...

My primary concern with OAT is when the temperature is near freezing.  So I would like to add yellow bands at 0C +/- 2 and a red band and alarm at 0C +/- 1.  The exact values (4 points) should be user adjustable, of course.  This is similar to the RPM restricted range on the tach.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Can you please explain your concern with temperatures that are very close to freezing? I've never heard of anything that is concerning in an aircraft when the OAT is exactly at freezing.

Also, we don't always respond to all feature requests. We put them on an internal list, and the more we hear about them (or the more we think they are really cool), the higher on the list they get bumped.


New Member
Dec 21, 2005
For now, yes, a software change is not planned. It's not easy, which is why it's not supported currently, and it's not considered a bug because it is working as designed. The reason it worked before is that the systems didn't share configuration data. This allowed you to set up units differently, but it also required more configuration and could cause problems. We believe the vast majority of our customers prefer a system that self configures rather than requiring them to sync up all their units.

That being said, we will put it on the list for software changes in the future, and if we get more requests we'll bump it up the list.

Did I understand you to say that configuring simple view options of shared data between units will be a difficulty for your users and cause problems? What do view options and unit views have to do with the syncing of shared data?


New Member
Jan 2, 2006
Was: OAT - Now: ICE

Can you please explain your concern with temperatures that are very close to freezing? I've never heard of anything that is concerning in an aircraft when the OAT is exactly at freezing.

You've never heard of icing???   :eek:


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Of course we've heard of icing, but that requires supercooled water in the air, and is common from 0 to -20 deg C (and can occur much lower than that). So I still don't understand why you want a band that is so close to freezing when icing can easily occur over a 20 degree range.


New Member
Jan 2, 2006
OK, my example was too narrow!   ::)  But accordingly, the freezing range endpoints should be user adjustable, similar to the restricted RPM range on the tach.

...its just a suggestion... thanks for considering it!
