Odd behavior - GNS 480


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
Getting ever closer to first flight with my D-180 / HS34 / GNS 480. Today powered everything up after finally connecting my intercom to the 480 to see if I could call the tower
- All radio wires for the 480 are on a separate connector, so there is zero possibility that I connected any data lines there
- When powered up, the 480 would allow me to change Nav frequencies, but not Comm frequencies
- Thinking I may have connected the Mic wires incorrectly, I disconnected the Mic wires and re-started the 480 - no change
- Powered up the 480 without the HS34 or D180 powered, and all was fine. ???
- Turned on the D180, still able to change freqs
- Turned on the HS34, still able to change freqs

Any thoughts from some wise people out there what might be preventing me from changing freqs when all are powered up simultaneously?