I am based in So California, on hot summers, flying a RV-12 with a 912ULS. On full power climb outs my oil temp will easily hit 240f. I’m trying to track the problem first by tested the temp sending unit. I also pulled the coolant senders (same part number) to compare. I powered the plane with the battery charger and one at a time connected each sending unit to the oil wire. I boiled water in a pan and kept the fire on while testing. Two of them read 214f and the third 216f.
Considering The density altitude today was 4500’ and allowing for 1 degree drop for every 500’ above sea level the water temp at boiling should be 203f. This test indicates either 3 bad sending units reading high or the Dynon Skyview is out of calibration.
If there is an error in my testing let me know.
My question is there a way to re-calibrate the temp range on the Skyview?
Considering The density altitude today was 4500’ and allowing for 1 degree drop for every 500’ above sea level the water temp at boiling should be 203f. This test indicates either 3 bad sending units reading high or the Dynon Skyview is out of calibration.
If there is an error in my testing let me know.
My question is there a way to re-calibrate the temp range on the Skyview?