Oil Sender and Tachometer Sensing


Aug 4, 2008
Oil Sender: I have installed a Vans Oil Temp Gage and will be installing a 10" Skyview System with a Lycoming O-360 A1A. I have a Sensor for the Van's gage and the one from Dynon for the EMS module.

1. In reviewing my options, I do not see any way to install both sensors in this Lycoming engine, anyone have an idea.

2. Dynon, can I split the wire from the sensor to simultaneously feed the Skyview and the Van’s Gage?

3. Dynon, if #2 does not work, can I use either the Vans Sensor or the Dynon Sensor and toggle the signal from the EMS module to the Van’s gage in the event of Skyview failure? Do the sensors produce the same value?

Tachometer: I have 1 Slick mag and 1 Lightspeed Plasma ignition. I have read the installation concerning high and low voltage connections for the different sources. What happens when the 2 signals don’t agree such as the Skyview sensing 2100 RPM from the left mag and 2400 RPM from the Lightspeed. Which does it use? Does it notify the operator of an error? Does Skyview just average the two readings?



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
You cannot hook up both the SkyView and the van's gauge at the same time. They both power the sender and they will interfere with one another.

You can install a switch, but I don't know what sender the van's gauge uses, so it may or may not work.

Do consider if you really need all this "Redundancy". If you have only one sender, you don't have full redundancy. If your SkyView is dead, you're not going to take off. So the only thing you are protecting against is a failure of SkyView in flight. If this happens, is your oil temp really that important to you?

The EMS displays the higher of the two RPM inputs. This lets you do a mag check and still see the correct RPM. In the future, we might throw a warning if they disagree for a while, but we don't do this today.