I have the EMS D-10 and have about 13 hours on my plane/dynons with great results. However, today about 5 minutes into the flight the oil temp started swinging wildly. As best I could tell it was swinging about 50 degrees F in both directions (up and and down) every 2 seconds or so. Lets just say it got my attention! The oil temps in cruise have always been rock solid; during normal cruise the temp varies by 1 or may be 2 degrees and is consistently always pretty much the same for the same power settings. I knew the oil was not fluxuating 50 degrees +/- every 1 or 2 seconds, so I am thinking the probe must be bad. As a side observation, the swinging seemed to be more at cruise power settings, in the pattern at very low power settings it was much less severe, and on the ground taxiing it was normal, sitting in the hangar it read steadily. Can you guys point me in the right direction??? I checked the wiring connection at the probe and it seemed solid and firmly connected. I took it off to make sure everything was good and reconnected it. I'm thinking that it is a bad probe, and I am hoping it is covered by the Dynon warranty since it has about 13 hours of use before this! Please let me know.