Oil Temp Sensor


I Am nuts for aeroplanes
Jul 10, 2013
St. Louis MO
What are the specs for the oil temp probe to feed info for display on the D-180? In my Jabiru 3300 engine the current VDO sender is dying (reads ok at lower temps but goes wild with major swings when hot) and there are many other senders available but I do not know which would be compatible with my Dynon. VDOs are reported as fairly unreliable. thanks


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
This can mean that the engine isn't extremely well grounded to the rest of the electrical system, which causes small voltage variances across the electrical system to be registered as a temperature change. Are you using the type 5 sensor currently? Here are the list of supported sensors:

Type 1: Dynon P/N 100409-001 (sensor we sell. they're also pretty susceptible to grounding issues)
Type 2: Dynon P/N 100409-000 (sensor we sell. they're also pretty susceptible to grounding issues)
Type 3: GRT FT-LC-01 (two wire probe with grounding wire; not very susceptible to grounding issues)
Type 4: Rotax pre-installed (this comes on Rotax 912 engines and from experience, doesn't seem to be too susceptible to grounding issues, but that can be an artifact of the consistent installation. Your mileage may vary. It's available aftermarket but you'd need to thread adapt it)
Type 5: Jabiru pre-installed (this is what you might be using it looks similar (but is not a drop-in replacement) in grounding susceptibility to the sensors we sell). I don't remember: does the Jabiru oil temp sensor have a dedicated ground wire?
Type 6: Chevrolet LS7 pre-installed (this was a custom application; not much data on it)