Ordering, Encoder and Redundency


Aug 4, 2008
1. I am almost to the point of ordering the engine module, ADAHRS, wiring and 10” Screen. I have a relationship with a dealer who handles Dynon products but I ordered my servos from Dynon. What are the advantages for disadvantages to ordering straight from you or ordering from a dealer. For example, is you level of support if needed the same.

2. My Servos were ordered and received last fall. I see in the 5.2 software release for the older products that the servos must be updated using the older products in order to work with Skyview, seems odd. Since I will not have the older product, how do I update my existing servos.

3. How does Skyview send encoder information to the GTX-327 and the GNS-430 when all are in the same system, wiring, pinouts etc. If I use Skyview as the encoder, will I be able to get an IFR certification as most shops remove the encoder to check it.

4. I am toying with getting a D6 with battery as my attitude backup for IFR operations. I don’t have the space for a second Skyview screen. Do you see this as reasonable thing to do or is there a better alternative.

5. If I get the D6, can a Garmin 396 provide the backup GPS ground speed signal. If so what wire is used from the 396.

Thanks for your help.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
1) You can always call us for support, and we handle warranties direct. The only thing we don't do if you ordered from a dealer is anything having to do with money or delivery- if you need to return a unit or ask about order status, you have to go through the dealer since we don't know anything about your specfic order if a dealer is doing it.

2) You will need to return your servos to Dynon to have the software in them upgraded, or find someone local with a D100 or D10 product.

3) SkyView sends out encoder info over a serial wire to the Garmin equipment, same as our older products. We rarely hear of this being a problem for an encoder check, and I can't say I have ever heard of someone pulling the encoder to check it. They just pull and altitude on the static and make sure the xponder responds right. Thousands of customers are flying this way.

4) We're Dynon, so we like the D6 option ;) It is a reasonable backup in our opinion, and is light, cheap, and proven.

5) You can use the 396 as an airspeed backup to the D6. The wiring info is in our install manuals, which are on our main site if you want to look at them before you order.


Aug 4, 2008
Thanks for the quick answers; I have a couple more questions

I am building a RV-8. My configuration would be SV-D1000 with one DB9 connected with SV-NET-3CC to the engine module. The other DB9 connected to a SV-NET-20CP and run to back of the plane and connected to the ADAHRS. Instead of using the network splitters, can I tap the 4 network wires in SV-NET-20CP at the wing root for the roll servo and also at the pitch servo location for the pitch servo. I understand the network can be tapped to provide a parallel connection, I am wondering if this can be done without damaging the wires in the SV-NET-20CP harness.

A follow up question about the on the encoder information. I looked at the install manual and see that some installations call for the encoder information to be directed through a Dynon’s Encoder Converter (Dynon P/N 100362-000). My panel will have a GTX-327 and a GNS-430. Do either require the converter? Can both be connected to the Skyview to receive the encoder information simultaneously? Since I will also have a D6 could one use the Skyview encoder information and the other the D6 encoder information?



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The SV-GPS-250 can be used as an airspeed backup to the D10A or D6. It can't be used as an HSI for the D10A since it is just position without a database.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
You can split or tap the network wherever you want. The cables we make and sell have individual wires you can easily access. If there is a way you feel comfortable tapping into these, it will work fine.

I think a good option is to use one splitter back at the ADAHRS, and then to make your own D9 that has the 4 wires connected to it. Plug one of the splitters into the ADAHRS, run the 4 wires from both servos to the D9 you make up, and plug them in there. You could do the same up at the panel near the EMS.

The 327 or 430 do not need a converter for altitude info. You can split this signal as much as you want (Well, within reason). If you really want to use the D6 on one and the SkyView on the other, you can, but the 430 does not transmit altitude info, it just uses it for some reference stuff on the screen. Most people don't even bother to run the serial to the 430.


New Member
Nov 11, 2009
arroyo grande, CA
Thanks Dynon--this solves a small problem for me (Airspeed backup for EFIS back up) now I don't feel the need for a backup pitot. Since I will have the SV--GPS, being able to share airspeed with the D6 is very nice.
Looks like it is just a matter of running Port 5 Tx of the SV-GPS to the yellow/green wire of Serial Rx on D9 of the D6 through a switch or quick connect (for firmware upgrades)? Am I saying that anywhere close to right?


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
Adelaide, Australia
"You can split this signal as much as you want (Well, within reason)."

Generally, 4 ways is considered maximum for RS232.

Jake J