Periodic DSAB drop and ammeter strangeness


New Member
Aug 23, 2007
I've got an HS34, D100 and D120 connected together by DSAB. The DSAB does not stay connected. After power up, within a few minutes, the HS34 seizes and the D100 and D120 indicate loss of network connection.

I've double checked the connections, built a new harness and tried the harness supplied with the engine sensor package. I've isolated the D100 and HS34 and they seem to work indefinitely. I've connected the D100 and D120 and the problem returns.

I've connected the ammeter shunt and it wanders randomly, I don't think it's working either.

Do I have a troubled D120?

Firmware in all is 5.4.0. Unit was purchases in the box from previous owner.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The ammeter issue probably isn't connected. On that, what kind of engine is it hooked to? Rotaxes in particular sometimes have noisy generators that cause fluctuations that unfortunately, we aren't able to smooth in software.

For the DSAB issues - get in touch with our tech support at 425-402-0433 or support at dynonavionics dot com. They'll be able to work with you directly to try to figure out the root of the problem (it can be tricky and non-obvious).