Pitch Servo falls off DSAB network


I love flying!
Jun 15, 2013
I was configuring the A/P sytem today for the first time. I have the D100 EFIS & D120 EMS. (firmware 5.4.3 on all 5 items) I recently added the AP74 and 2 servos. After the DSAB network config, it recognized the 5 items.During the config stage of the A/P set-up, the pitch servo somehow has fallen off the DSAB network and doesn't return. All wiring is good (continuity test) Any idea what the problem might be? Thx :mad: 


I love flying!
Jun 15, 2013
Well today is Father's day and I went back to the RV to see if I could troubleshoot this problem. I started over with the DSAB & A/P config. Everything works now. Servo test completed successfully. Now it is making me wonder what could have caused this to happen and could it come back in the future. Still like a reply from Dynon as to their take on it. Thx :cool:


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
We've seen configurations in rare instances where a particular component's DSAB has trouble. First thing - thought this isn't a very likely cause, but still worth checking: is the DSAB wiring twisted pair? But bottom line, keep an eye on it. If you have any continuing problems, you'll want to troubleshoot more. If it works sometimes and doesn't others, make sure that it's ONLY that component that's going away (the DSAB status menu under setup can help you determine that). If it's DSAB in general, then, you'll want to start disconnecting things one at a time to try to isolate the cause. Also, note that if the servo isn't getting power, due to a loose or intermittent wire, you'd see the same thing as if it's not there at all. If you end up completely stumped, our tech support staff can send help further.