Pitch Setting Help for Skyview


I love flying!
Dec 3, 2011
Marshall, TX (KASL)
My AP roll function in my RV-12 Skyview system is perfect! In pitch I get a slow +/- 40 foot oscillation from the altitude bug setting accompanied by "Trim" notifications, even when engaging the alt hold function with the trim in good shape. Adjusting the trim doesn't make the oscillation stop. My AP settings are currently as follows, based on another RV-12 where the AP is working fine. The manual is a bit confusing about what to adjust first and in what direction. Some advice on beginning?

Pitch Axis:
Torque 100%
Sensitivity 20
Default Climb VS 500 ft/min
Default desent VS 500 ft/min
Max AS 129 kts
Min AS 65 kts
Pitch Gain 0.5
Attitude Gain 1.5
VSI Gain 1.5
Pull Rate 1.5
G Error Limit 0.25
G Error Gain 1.0

Roll Axis:
Torque 100%
Sensitivity 5
Mode turn rate
Max bank angle 35 degrees
Turn rate target 1.5 deg/sec


Active Member
Jun 15, 2008
Brisbane, Qld. Australia
For a start, make sure you are using the inner most hole on the lever arm without the arm going over centre. That is the middle or inner one if you can.

After that start with the gains.

As for roll, set the turn rate to 0.0 and the may angle to say 25.

DB :)


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
If you're getting trim annunciations, even when you engage perfectly in trim, that suggests that there's something up with your servo. But beyond that, here are some thoughts, given that we don't have a datalog:

Try turning down Altitude Gain (default is 0.6) and pitch gain up (default is 2). Head back towards the defaults, basically. Adjust Alt gain first, then slowly increase pitch gain.