Pitot water drain


New Member
Jan 29, 2006
Western Australia
I have recently taken delivery of a Flight Design CTSW with factory fitted Dynon EFIS D100 & EMS D120 and Dynon AOA pitot, OAT probe & EDC. and I am absolutely delighted with the equipment.

One thing I noticed was that there are no water drain holes anywhere on the Pitot..........how does the water dissipate in the lines should the aircraft encounter rain during flight?



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Look harder ;)

Unless CT isn't using our pitot, there are two water drain holes on the pitot, located at the back on the bottom side. They are right in front of the screw.

Glad you are enjoying your new Dynon equipment!


There has been a string on the uk RV forum about the dynon pitot/aoa probe and conventional ASI. Basically, I have been advised that because of the drain hole in the base of the dynon probe it can't be used to 'drive' a conventional ASI. The person who has started this string has fitted two separate pitot heads, one for the dynon and one for the conventional ASI. Is this true, as it is baffling me? :-/ :question


Active Member
Mar 23, 2005
Tucson, AZ
This really doesn't make much sense as a standard non-Dynon pitot also has a drain hole. Take a very close look at a standard pitot, look on the back edge near the bottom and most of the time you will find a small drain hole.

I have driven both a standard ASI and Dynon from the same pitot with no problem. Originally I was using a standard pitot and then switched to the Dynon pitot so I could have AoA. Both the Dynon and ASI indicated the same airspeed with respect to each other and irrespecive of the chage in pitot. Just install the Dynon pitot, hook it up to both the Dynon and standard ASI and it will work just fine.

Best Regard,
Mel Jordan
Tucson RV-6A


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
As Mel mentioned, almost all pitots have drain holes. The holes are part of the design, and the pitot is calibrated for these holes. If you work out the fluid dynamics, you'll come to see that as long as your drain holes are much smaller than your main pitot opening, the drain holes don't change the pressure output of the pitot at all, since the flow through the tube is minimal and thus the frictional loss is also minimal.

The drain holes in a Dynon AoA pitot are much smaller than the ones you see in the back. The ones in the back are actually drains for the cavity inside the pitot mount, while the actual pitot pressure lines have much smaller holes that vent into this internal cavity.

The ASI in the Dynon EFIS units is calibrated just like every other ASI on the planet is. A certian pressure equals a certian airspeed. We use the same tables as everyone else, and we can use any standard pitot for airspeed measurements, and our AoA pitot acts just like any other pitot you can buy.

So to directly answer your question, you can use the Dynon AoA pitot to drive any ASI, including the Dynon EFIS and a mechanical gauge at the same time. We are calibrated the same as all other pitots. The gentleman in the forum that you mention is mistaken and does not need to have two pitot probes on his aircraft.


:) Thanks very much for that. Like many things, if unchecked these rumours can get out of hand.