% power on EMS


New Member
Aug 23, 2006
I've read pieces of this info on different threads and I just want to sum up:
In order to get a %power reading, I need:

1. Altitude from the EFIS (which requires the null modem hookup of the serial lines, yes?)
2. An OAT probe hooked into the EMS (it won't take the reading from the OAT probe hooked into the EDC?)
3. If I have the 2-wire OAT probe I can disconnect it from the EDC, splice additional wire onto it, and run it to the EMS?
4. If I do #3, the EFIS will still be able to "see" the OAT probe on the EMS for TAS calculations? (DSAB is hooked up)
5. I do have the other bits (Fuel Flow, etc) in place

Or, any idea when an update will allow the EMS to read OAT from the EFIS?

Thanks! I love the V3.0 firmware!


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The next update will allow any OAT in the system to be used for % power. It will also allow GPS altitude to be used in case you don't have a Dynon EFIS.

As for question 3, it's the reverse. The EFIS OAT is three wires already. To use it on an EMS, only two wires are hooked up. The third is left unconnected. You can do this with a "type 2" EFIS OAT, which is any one shipped in about the last 18 months. If you do this, the EFIS *WILL* be able to use the OAT connected to the EMS for TAS, DA, and winds.


New Member
Aug 23, 2006
Can you give me a rough ETA on the next update? i.e. greater or less than 6 months? If a mini-update is coming soon, I'll wait, otherwise I'll have to disassemble the aircraft to remove the OAT from the EDC and run it to the EMS.


>The next update will allow any OAT in the system to be used for % power. It will also allow GPS altitude to be used in case you don't have a Dynon EFIS.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Less than 6 months. It's already in beta.

It's not a mini-update though ;)