Prewire for OAT


Active Member
May 7, 2006
After much gnashing of teeth, I installed a tray for the SV ADAHRS in the aft baggage compartment of my HRII. Before I close the skin, I need to route the wiring for the OAT probe, which will be located underneath the HS.

Since it will be impossible to route wiring when the fuselage is closed up, how can I obtain an OAT probe for prewiring? None of the Dynon docs show it as being available independent of the ADAHRS, and Spruce does not sell it as well.

It's actually possible to reach the probe through the aft deck access holes between the HS spars, so it's possible just to run wires from the ADAHRS location, then splice in another connector to a short pigtail of wires from probe itself and install it later. If this is acceptable, are there any special characteristics of the wire (number of wires, shield etc.)?

Thx, Vern


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
Adelaide, Australia
Hi Vern

Why don't you install a 2 core wire with 2 pin connector near the OAT end (I usually have a join about 1 ft from it) then add the SV ADAHRS OAT connector later ? This makes it all much more serviceable IMO.


Jake J


Active Member
May 7, 2006
Hi Vern

Why don't you install a 2 core wire with 2 pin connector near the OAT end (I usually have a join about 1 ft from it) then add the SV ADAHRS OAT connector later ?  This makes it all much more serviceable IMO.


Jake J

That's what I'm suggesting, but there is no information available on the type of pins required at the ADAHRS end, or if there are any specific shielding requirements. I recall the D10A's temperature probe would not tolerate modifications to the wiring.

It would be nice for Dynon to provide a prewire kit, or at least the information required... there's only one chance to do this right.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
If budget allows, you could buy your ADAHRS now, install the OAT, then let the ADAHRS camp out for a while. It won't be any different than one you buy, say, a few months from now. The firmware will be automatically updated to whatever the latest is on the SkyView display when you hook it up to the SkyView network.

If you want to install a two wire EMS OAT (the $37 one we sell separately), and install the connector, here's the info for that. Note that we do not uncouple the OAT purchase from the ADAHRS, so you will end up with a spare nonreturnable OAT in this case.


Active Member
May 7, 2006
If budget allows, you could buy your ADAHRS now, install the OAT, then let the ADAHRS camp out for a while. It won't be any different than one you buy, say, a few months from now. The firmware will be automatically updated to whatever the latest is on the SkyView display when you hook it up to the SkyView network.

If you want to install a two wire EMS OAT (the $37 one we sell separately), and install the connector, here's the info for that. Note that we do not uncouple the OAT purchase from the ADAHRS, so you will end up with a spare nonreturnable OAT in this case.

Thanks. I think I'll prewire a pair of 22 AWG wires and connector now and then later I will splice in the OAT sensor at the bitter end, probably using a similar plug/socket setup. A side benefit of this is that if the sensor ever fails, I can just plug a new one in without rewiring.

I'd sooner not purchase the ADAHRS until I really need it. Not personal, just money.



Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
Adelaide, Australia

For you prewire is the way to go - all you will have to do (later) then is cut the OAT wire shorter & add the 2 pin connector, of your choice, at the probe end & cut off the prewired sockets (supplied crimped to the wiring supplied with ADAHRS & OAT) & join them to the ADAHRS end later. Sheilding is not an issue.

Jake J