problem - EMS120 on CSA PS28


Nov 18, 2008
hello gentlemen,

the PS28 of the school is having a problem. a student pilot, disembarking the plane, hit the battery switch with a knee. the day after the battery was dead. the airplane was jump started (bad idea, i know)
as a result, the EMS120 seems to have lost some or all settings. engine rpm is wrong, fuel indications are unreliable, the trim position indication disappeared, fuel press is wrong, etc.

i had a look at the settings, but the "global" tab in the setup menu doesnt exist.

is this some a/c specific firmware that cannot be modified by the user, or the firmware is corrupted? version is 5.4.8 if i remember well.

also the D100 has problems. the DSAB settings disappeared. i reconfigured those but the compass works sporadically and indications are unreliable. also here the menu for compass setup is not present

we asked the imported but he doesnt seem to have any clue...

thanks for any help



Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
Hi gianmarko. Settings are stored in non-volatile memory, which normally isn't affected by removal of external power. However, if the jump-start may have caused enough of a power spike to corrupt the memory, in which case the product will return to it's default settings. If you're not seeing the GLOBAL settings menu at all, the products in your aircraft may have some settings inhibited by the manufacturer. You'll need to engage them to obtain the ability to change the settings on this display. The D100 issue doesn't quite make as much sense without a little more information about what you're seeing and not seeing. Similarly, the compass issue needs a little deeper troubleshooting. It's possible that there might be some electrical damage to the products too. For further help with these issues, please follow up with out support team directly at support at dynonavionics dot com or via phone at 425-402-0433.


Nov 18, 2008
Thanks Dynon. will see what the importer says before we start troubleshooting more. hope they have a backup of the settings.
