Question on if I really need an HS34


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
I am going to be building my panel in stages and want to ensure that I do not build myself into a corner.

If I only have one D180 and only one handheld GPS source and no Nav source, Do I really need an HS34 if I have an AP74? Since I only have one serial handheld GPS source, I really don't think I need the other features of the HS34???

Can I add the AP74 and not the servos and still have use of the value knob on the AP74? I want to purchase the servos later but I do want to have a value knob and audio alerts. Will this work?


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
I am going to be building my panel in stages and want to ensure that I do not build myself into a corner.

If I only have one D180 and only one handheld GPS source and no Nav source, Do I really need an HS34 if I have an AP74?  Since I only have one serial handheld GPS source, I really don't think I need the other features of the HS34???

You will lose:
- Voice audio alerts (vs. beeps and tones)
- Heading select knob (very nice to have)
- Course select knob (which wouldn't work anyway unless perhaps the 496 will allow selecting a "course from current position" - don't know about that)
- SL30/SL40 channel select capability from the x96 to an SL30/40, if you have one

If you can live without these, then you don't need it.

Can I add the AP74 and not the servos and still have use of the value knob on the AP74?  I want to purchase the servos later but I do want to have a value knob and audio alerts.  Will this work?

The value knob should work irrespective of whether the AP is installed or configured - it is just a value being passed on the DSAB.

Gawd, I'm starting to sound like a Dynon rep!


By the way, I looked at the recent Wiki history - you and I are about the only contributors. I need to start hitting "preview" instead of "save" so there aren't so many silly versions taking up space on the hard disk!


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Since he has the AP74, he will have voice outputs. The AP74 has them as well as the 76.

The Value knob on the AP74 can be used to select heading as well, so while it's not dedicated, you don't need to go into the EFIS menu.

You can use the AP74 without servos, but only the value knob will do anything.

There really generally is no reason to have an HS34 unless you have a NAV source in the system or a 430.


Apr 26, 2008

I agree with P-squared that the AP-74 should work with no servos connected. Can't really say for sure (probably one for DS to confirm), but I'm basing that on the thought that one could install a single-axis AP (pitch or roll), and it would work OK, so why not a servo-less AP-74. My only concerns would be:

1. When you configure the AP-74, would you be able to complete the configuration if no servos were present (especially the servo test and servo cal portions...seems the process has to run its entire course to enable functionality of the AP...just not sure if that also applies to the AP-74 by itself).

2. If you could complete the configuration, would it give you warnings about "no servos detected" all the time.

Perhaps, when you configure the DSAB network with just a D180 and an AP-74, it allows the other features of the AP-74 to work on its own...I know that is the crux of your question. If it does, then you'll get heading and altitude bug selections, as well as a quick and easy altimeter setting method via the value knob.

I know you're familiar with my D100/AP-74/396/SL-40 set-up, and the AP-74 provides AOA/Stall Voice Audio in addition to AP disconnect warning. If it does that, and if the AP-74 will work without the servos, I'd think it could also provide the EMS warnings, though I can't say for sure, as the wiring diagram for the HS-34 is a lot more complex than the AP-74...another big part of your question, I'm sure.

The freq loading from your GPS to an SL-40 that PP referred to will work in your proposed set up, it'll just have to be wired direct from the GPS to the SL-40...but I'm sure you already know that part.

Seems like a good base plan with room for upgrades, as long as the AP-74 doesn't need servos attached and configured to come alive!

Good luck, and it'll be interesting to see if it'll work!

whooops...DS was typing as I was...glad to see it'll go Brian! :)
