Rate of turn bat


New Member
Jun 18, 2005
I just had my Dynon EFIS upgraded.
When it is turned on the rate of turn bat shows a turn to the right
of about one third standard scale deflection when the unit is at rest.
The bat moves normally when the unit is moved but at rest reverts
to a deflection to the the right all other functions appear normal.

How can I get the rate of turn indicator to be centered at rest
as it was before the upgrade?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Hi Michael,

The rate of turn bar will be dead on once the unit experiences airspeed in a flying situation. Have you flown with the upgraded unit yet? When you do, you should see that the bar is very accurate. Also, there is a parameter in the software that accumulates over time, correcting the rate of turn bar in a variety of situations. This should gradually correct the false rate of turn you notice when the unit is stationary.


New Member
Jun 18, 2005
Have not flown yet so perhaps a little air speed experience will be good for me and the EFIS.
A few weeks away.
The other problem I noticed is that when running on the backup battery
when booted up the screen started at half dim then goes to full bright for the first few times.
Now when booted up the screen stays at half dim setting and will not change to full bright
even if dim button and bright are selected. Backup battery shows about 15.2 volts.
Appreciate your help.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
When running on the battery, the screen will get dimmer. When running on the master power, the screen always gets 16.8V, when running on the battery, it gets battery voltage (which is 16.8V fully charged). This the biggest issue when you start it up on a low battery (like yours) because the lamp never fully warms up. If you had started it on master power and switched to the battery, it would look brighter, since the lamp would be warm and would stay warm. The "going full bright" you saw earlier was actually the lamp warming up. We always boot up at 100% brightness, and it's not really technically possible for the lamp to get "stuck" at half brightness.

Once you get the unit hooked up to master power and get the battery recharged, you'll see full brightness again.