Recommendations for my experimental aircraft


I love flying!
Jul 19, 2016
I am not new to aviation, I have built two aircraft and an ultralight, and finally I am building an aircraft of my own design (30-years of dreaming).

I am hung up on what type of panel I'd like. Since I am old school and have no intent's of flying IFR, I just want a few basic instruments, with a low cost glass panel that will help in basic navigation. My budget is very slim as I am retired.

I have read many articles on the pro's and cons of a glass panel versus the old steam gauges, but as stated I am old school and just want to fly VFR legally, taking my wife on short cross-country hops.

By the way, I hold a Canadian license as well, or did (expired earlier this year.), but since I have Permanent Canadian Resident, I'd like to fly across the border and back.

So my question is, what do you have that will fit my budget? I was looking at some of your old stuff and even that would break my bank.

Thanks to anyone responding. :-[


Murray M.
Dec 26, 2009
Saskatoon SK CAN
Crossing the border will probably require a transponder and radio. A lot of the POE are ATC controlled. US ATC also requires you squawk a distinct code both ways. Canada not so much. Just a consideration if your planning that adventure.

If you have the basic steam gauges have you considered an iPad with ForeFlight or other similar system for VFR navigation. $500 vs $2000+ for a glass panel. The iPad also comes in handy to file eAPIS when crossing the border.

Another way of looking at it, if you go glass and are VFR then you don't need expensive steam gauges. ;)


Hang on! I've got an idea!
Nov 29, 2015
Can you even get a complete six-pack set of steam instruments for less than $1,600.00 which is what an EFIS D6 costs new?
To say nothing of how much less weight an EFIS is to haul around the sky!