Red cross adahars failure


I love flying!
Jun 29, 2016
I have had a two skyview 7" display system installed for for 180hrs . They are linked by wifi to an ipad and skydemon which to utilize the dynon gps. I have an adahar and adahar back up installed.
Recently the ipad kept loosing signal and I had to revert to its inbuilt gps with which it worked fine. When asked it could intermittently not find the Dynon gps. This loss coincided with a red cross "adahars failure" appearing for a few seconds on the P1 screen. I stopped linking the ipad for a few journeys and monitored the P1 screen. This red cross would appear intermittently every so often, say four or five times every hour. I thought it may be a screen fault so I physically swopped the screen to the P2 position and connected it to the P2 cables. Putting the good P2 screen in position P1. The original faulty screen still exhibited intermittent adahars failure red crosses even though moved. Also now the good screen P2 I moved to the P1 position also now exhibits red crosses and adahards failure. This appears far more regular on both on take off and for the first few minutes of flight. It also happened on the ground after start up. It happened very infrequently on the remainder of the flight.
The firmware has not been updated to either the last update which I understand caused some problems or the one that corrected it. So I am guessing it is not that. The P2 good screen was replaced 15 hrs ago due to display failure (its brain still worked you just couldn't see it).

I have checked and rechecked connections.

Ideas anyone?


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
What version are you on? If you're not on 4.2.1, please do update to that first. There was a fix contained to address a problem that could be what you're seeing.


What version are you on? If you're not on 4.2.1, please do update to that first. There was a fix contained to address a problem that could be what you're seeing.
Version 4.2.1?


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
We should probably get a diagnostic log from to see what's going on inside. Directions at Put a link to the thread in the message area.