

New Member
Jun 11, 2006
Wellington Aero Club (FD38) FL
eventually i hope efis systems develop enough of a reputation for
reliability that building in the steam gages will be considered overly
redundant...what redundancies are built in?

id like to replace all my instruments with this system instead of
having two of everything like i do now....thoughts?



New Member
Jul 1, 2009
The new SkyView system appears to have taken great steps towards redundancy.  The most comforting is the independence from a bus master, single component, failure bringing the data bus to a screeching halt.

One of the problems I see at this point is screen size. The large displays look great, but is there a chance to add a screen sized like the D10s to use as backup and not take up so much panel space? This would facilitate a large screen for efis/map and a small screen for ems display that would also be a backup efis display. My reliability fears would be eased with redundancy, if I can fit it in the panel.

The other could be addressed with software; In a multiple displays / modules installation with all units on the same data bus, could one display show it’s info primarily from one module and the other display show it’s info primarily from another module?

Two displays and two adahrs modules all linked via data bus. Set up display #1 showing adahrs #1 data and display #2 showing adahrs #2 data.

Normal operation would show two sets of data to be compared to each other by looking at the different displays. Failure mode would still allow fallback to single adahrs data showing on both displays.



New Member
Aug 29, 2006
I recently had to fly my RV8 home from a long, 3 leg trip, with only my Garmin 496 providing groundspeed and altitude, as my D10A failed and although it provided AHRS info, the pitot static functions were inop. I have no additional P/S instruments. That scenario worked well for the VFR flights, but got me really thinking about IFR redundancy for the RV10 that I'm building and plan on equipping with Skyview. Can I install 2 sets of AHRS and EMS sensors, and be able to select one or the other if there's a failure, for dispatch reliability?
Another question. Will Dynon offer a remote autopilot control head for the Skyview? I understand that the buttons and knobs on the displays are quite functional, but I was planning on mounting autopilot controls on the center console as in the Citations I've flown.
By the way, the repair on my D10A was handled under warranty quite
well, atttaboy Dynon, on a 2 1/2 year old product. Unfortunately, I had to completely disassemble the panel to get it out.(that's why I flew all the way home on the 496). The next build will have much better access to anything that requires maintenance!


New Member
Sep 3, 2009
If you had a system with two screens and two ADAHRS modules, is there anyway for them monitor one another and provide a notice if the data varied by more than a given amount between them?
Alan Jackson


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
cjhukill - A few thoughts. First, if you're running 5.1.1, the GPS assist function on the EFIS will allow the ADAHRS to continue working, even in the event that pitot/static are lost. Next - yes, the SkyView system is being built with exactly those sorts of redundancy in mind, though more on the ADAHRS side rather than the EMS side in the hot redundancy scenario. Nothing would prevent you from carrying around a spare EMS module if you really wanted to, though, and then swap it in in the case of a failure. Note that the modular nature of the next generation system will let us more quickly swap failed modules out in the field. We are still evaluating the need for a dedicated AP control panel. While the AP74 won't work with the SkyView, and the base AP functionality works really well with the on-screen buttons, we are indeed considering bringing some kind of AP control panel to market for the SkyView system.

Alan - Yes, ADAHRS redundancy will be supported. The exact warning/switching/comparison mechanisms will likely start simple and get more sophisticated over time, but that is where we're headed.


New Member
Aug 29, 2006
That's just what I'll do, install and configure, side by side, an easily accessible, second EMS that could be quickly DSUB'd over if needed to get home, plus a second AHRS that sounds like it can be already hooked up and online, if needed.
I really hope that Dynon offers a AP74 type control box for the Skyview for us "armrest flyers". I'm getting close to committing on my avionics/autopilot suite for my RV10 build, and will be following these forums closely for the RV10 autopilot application feedback.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2008

In your exploration of the idea of a separate autopilot control panel will you be looking at something more liked the AP 76 than the current AP 74? I know neither will work with the Skyview system but the added funtionality of the AP 76 would be nice in that there could be vertical navigation as well as IAS hold. I am very interested in both of these features as they are the most efficient way to fly a high performance cross country aircraft which is the plane I am building.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
cjhukill - Just to clarify, you wouldn't want to hook up that second EMS module to the sensors initially. Instead, in the event of a failure, you'd want to just replace the EMS box, connecting the same connectors that were hooked to the original to the replacement. You'd then go through your SkyView network configuration, and then you're good to go again!

Skysailor - Having a SkyView control panel for the advanced functionality (approach/vnav/sequencing/etc), is our current thinking and will probably be the first product of that type to be produced.