I had to change my firewall forward fuel lines in the Jabiru (2 yearly requirement) and have now run into the same problem I had way back when I was first flying the aircraft - namely the old fuel flow sensor reading way-high in the climb-out and when in some attitudes.
I came to the conclusion then it was due to air bubbles in the sensor and eventually got it stable. But now with the line change it is back again.
I am thinking of ditching the sensor and going to the other brand (I believe it is Red Cube) that Dynon supplies.
Anyone have any experience of flow reading stabilities, use or comparisons between the two types of sensor?
I came to the conclusion then it was due to air bubbles in the sensor and eventually got it stable. But now with the line change it is back again.
I am thinking of ditching the sensor and going to the other brand (I believe it is Red Cube) that Dynon supplies.
Anyone have any experience of flow reading stabilities, use or comparisons between the two types of sensor?