Reliability of Red Cube Fluel Flow sensor


Feb 23, 2007
Cairns, Australia
I had to change my firewall forward fuel lines in the Jabiru (2 yearly requirement) and have now run into the same problem I had way back when I was first flying the aircraft - namely the old fuel flow sensor reading way-high in the climb-out and when in some attitudes.

I came to the conclusion then it was due to air bubbles in the sensor and eventually got it stable. But now with the line change it is back again.
I am thinking of ditching the sensor and going to the other brand (I believe it is Red Cube) that Dynon supplies.

Anyone have any experience of flow reading stabilities, use or comparisons between the two types of sensor?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Without crunching numbers, but based on a quick eyeball of the RMA data, I'd venture to say that both the EI (red cube) sensor we offer now and the FloScan (cast metal) sensor that we used to offer are both very reliable. As you're discovering, most issues aren't sensor failure issue, but air bubble/fuel turbulence issues that affect the accuracy of the readings. These issues are installation-specific and hard for us to provide specific guidance on (beyond what the manual says) to solve. It's additionally hard to say whether or not the EI sensor will work better for you versus the FloScan, unfortunately.