REMOS G3 Flaps and Trimm on teh EMS 120


New Member
Jul 11, 2008
Hello Dynon Team,

I fly a REMOS G3 600 and inside with an EFIS 100 also EMS 120.

I would like now indicate the landing flaps and the pitch trim on the EMS 120.

We would like now to able the signal from the announcement from the Airplane to lock on EMS 120

Have You an idea like to function could.

Could be that the airplane indicates with the whole only in similar spends and the EMS it in digitally necessarily.

Please excuse my English. :-[ :eek:


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Fundamentally, we need a variable resistance for the trim inputs on the GP inputs. Note that if you're running a Rotax 912, you're already using 2 of 3 available GP inputs, and possibly the 3rd for OAT or some other sensor. If you have Ray Allen trim servos on board, there's an output on them that we're compatible with. Beyon that, you'll need to contact Remos for further information about your airplane's particular configuration. And if this is an LSA here in the US, note that you need explicit permission from them to make ANY changes to the aircraft.