Remote Buttons on EFIS /EMS ?


New Member
Jul 30, 2006
Hi All

I just returned from Oshkosh, and I am very impressed with the DG/HSI implementation.

I'm planning on using a D-100 / D-120 combo in a Zenith 601XL I'm building.

I've gone over the install instructions and I have noticed that none of the front panel buttons on the Dynon products are available on the DB connectors on the back. Is it possible to add this to the wish list??

I would like to be able to change display pages by using a button on my stick or throttle (as appropriate)

Great product!! I can't wait to start on the fuselage so I can get these things installed

Larry Whitlow


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The problem with this is that all of our buttons are softkeys. They do different things dependent on where you are in the system, and it's really hard to remember if the button under your index finger is the 3rd softkey or the 4th when there are 6 options listed. You'd need all 6 buttons to really do anything with the system, and you'd need 6 buttons per instrument!

We'll think about it when we do our next hardware revision, but the current line of hardware has no free inputs to do somthing like this, so we can't add it in firmware.