Remote compass


New Member
Jan 4, 2007
I have a d-10A with the remote compass when I did the software update it said remote compass not found so today I went to the airport to do the headset test and compass moved when I got the headset close to the efis I went to calabration mode were it should of said remote compass not detected but it didn't come up ? can I check for voltage at the remote to see if power is getting to edc? Gary


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Both power and data need to get to the EDC, and data is hard to look for. Really the best thing to check for is complete continuity between each wire and the EFIS harness, and re-verify your pinout on the connector.

Have you every verified that the EDC worked before?

Did you update the EFIS with the EDC attached? If you update the software without the EDC attached it will stop working.


New Member
Jan 4, 2007
Heres how all this got started I have a older d-10a always had compas errors talked to tech. support they said I have old software need to update so this winter I got a laptop downloaded the software in the D-10-A thats when it said edc not found still downloaded software though. So I got to reading about how to check if edc is connected by using headset It's real cold here now so when it warms up I will get to the plane and check to make sure connections are correct . Will I have to reload the software once edc is reconnected Gary


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
It depends what firmware you were updating to/from to be able to say whether or not you'll need to update again once the EDC-D10A is connected and working. First thing's first, though - you need to get the two talking.

If, by the way, you get it to the point where the "remote compass not detected" message is flashing, then you're probably at the point where the support program can see the compass (and this would mean that you do need to apply the update again for the benefit of the EDC-D10A).