RMI nav function


New Member
Oct 12, 2006
I was looking at the POH for the D100 and saw a Green NAV RMI needle displayed. I did not realize this function was available and I am not displaying NAV bearing info.
I have a G430W D100 & HS34. Is this a setup problem?

Doug Rozendaal


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Our RMI/Bearing pointers are Orange and Yellow, and are chosen using the "BRG SRC" on the HS34.

Can you let me know what page you are looking at and in what manual?


New Member
Oct 12, 2006
Page 6-4 of the D-100 ver 4 Manual. It is not the RMI pointer that is green, but the bearing on the top of the page has a green nav function for the yellow pointer.

The point is, I am not getting any Nav info on the RMI bearing.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
A few clarifications, just to make sure we're all on the same page:

The green line on the page isn't a bearing pointer. It's your CDI and course line. It doesn't automatically point to the NAV station like a bearing pointer- it's set by the OBS that you set.

The bearing pointers point direct to the station. They are orange and yellow.

The source of the CDI/Course is set by NAV SRC. The bearing pointers are set by BRG SRC. They are totally independent.

The specific page you see is only valid for a Garmin SL-30, which can do bearing to both the active and standby frequencies. The 430 can only do bearing to the active frequency.

So, if you aren't getting a green line at all, it's either setup or wiring. First, check that you have your HSI setup in your EFIS correct, and you have a NAV device setup in your ARINC setup. If you do have that, then check that the speed in the setup matches the speed of the NAV setting on your 430. IF all of that fails, time to check the wiring that goes to the lower connector on the 430, which is where all the NAV lines are.


New Member
Oct 12, 2006
I am not expressing myself very well here.....  (don't tell Marc Cook, I'll get fired)

I get how the RMI vs CDI works and I understand the Colors of the needles, I was speaking about the color of the characters up at the top, where green depicts NAV info driving the RMI.

I can't seem to select NAV information with the BRG SRC button all I get there is GPS information.  

The NAV SRC button cycles between Nothing, GPS, and NAV/LOC, info and it all works as expected.  

Is this a setup/config/wiring or a hardware problem?

Doug Rozedaal


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
So I think you understand that the NAV SRC button only affects the main CDI. The bearing selection is affected exclusively by the BRG SRC button, followed by a spin of the knob when you have the desired bearing highlighted.

When you push the bearing button once, does the first bearing item highlight itself?


New Member
Oct 12, 2006
The light just went on!!!!
Highlight the RMI text on top with the BRG SRC button and select the source with the value knob......
I was trying to use it like the NAV SRC button.
I imagine it says that somehere in the book, right? :)
That function is not up to your normal level of intuition.....
Thanks again for a wonderful product.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The problem is that there are two RMI's, each with two possible sources (or even more in other cases). So we can't just have a single button push change the source. In a system that only has one RMI (like a single GPS install), the BRG SRC button actually does change the source.

And yes, this is written down somewhere ;)


I love flying!
May 6, 2013
The bearing pointers point direct to the station. They are orange and yellow.

The source of the CDI/Course is set by NAV SRC. The bearing pointers are set by BRG SRC. They are totally independent.

The specific page you see is only valid for a Garmin SL-30, which can do bearing to both the active and standby frequencies. The 430 can only do bearing to the active frequency.

Sorry for resurrecting an old thread, but I searched for an answer and this subject seemed closest to providing an answer.

I train in a plane that has a Dynon EFIS-D100 fed by a Garmin SL30 NavCom, but no HS-34. The EFIS includes an HSI consisting of a DG with a VOR overlay.

If possible, I want to simultaneously see the bearing pointers for two VORs to quickly triangulate my position in a "Lost-Diversion" exercise. So, I am trying to figure out if I can do that and, if so, how exactly?

When I have a VOR tuned in on the Garmin SL30, the yellow “Direct-TO indicator” (aka RMI or bearing pointer) always shows the heading to fly directly to the station. So far so good.

However, I cannot seem to get the orange RMI pointer to work?

Can I get the orange RMI pointer to show the bearing to the second VOR tuned in on the Garmin SL30, but held in standby? The Garmin unit itself displays the bearing to the standby station in parentheses, e.g. (110).

Or, is this only possible when using an intermediate HS-34 panel? As best as I can tell, the EFIS manual only talks about BRG SRC in association with the HS-34.

Has anybody done this? If so, steps?



I love flying!
May 6, 2013
I just realized that reply #5 in this other more recent thread may offer the solution.  According to this poster, I need to push the Garmin's NAV button twice to make the Garmin's display and the Dynon's display (orange RMI pointer) provide me with info re the bearing to the standby VOR.

(link is in next post)

I'll check it out soon.


I love flying!
May 6, 2013
Here's the link (I needed two posts before I could add a link):



I love flying!
May 6, 2013
Here's a report on how it worked for me - as in almost, but not quite perfect.

After I pressed the NAV button on the Garmin SL-30, tuned a VOR frequency into the standby side of the Garmin, and swapped the frequency over to the active side, the green CDI and yellow RMI pointer came up on the HSI.  And, after a while, the ID for the VOR showed up on the HSI next to IDNT.

Then, when I entered a secondary VOR frequency on the standby side of the Garmin, and then pressed the Garmin's NAV button for a second time, the Garmin's display began to track the secondary VOR too and, as I hoped, the ORANGE RMI pointer popped on the HSI.  Great!

However, I still had a little problem in that I could not separately ID the secondary VOR to make absolutely sure I had the right one (required by my school). 

Is there a way to make the IDNT code for the primary and secondary VORs show up at the same time on the Dynon's HSI? If so, do I need to do something special?

Maybe I didn't wait long enough? Or perhaps there was something wrong with the ID being transmitted by the VOR station.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The SL-30 does not decode the ident on the standby frequency, so there is no way for us to display it.

The only way to do this is to tune the standby as the active and wait for it to ident then swap back.