The bearing pointers point direct to the station. They are orange and yellow.
The source of the CDI/Course is set by NAV SRC. The bearing pointers are set by BRG SRC. They are totally independent.
The specific page you see is only valid for a Garmin SL-30, which can do bearing to both the active and standby frequencies. The 430 can only do bearing to the active frequency.
Sorry for resurrecting an old thread, but I searched for an answer and this subject seemed closest to providing an answer.
I train in a plane that has a Dynon EFIS-D100 fed by a Garmin SL30 NavCom, but no HS-34. The EFIS includes an HSI consisting of a DG with a VOR overlay.
If possible, I want to simultaneously see the bearing pointers for two VORs to quickly triangulate my position in a "Lost-Diversion" exercise. So, I am trying to figure out if I can do that and, if so, how exactly?
When I have a VOR tuned in on the Garmin SL30, the yellow “Direct-TO indicator” (aka RMI or bearing pointer) always shows the heading to fly directly to the station. So far so good.
However, I cannot seem to get the orange RMI pointer to work?
Can I get the orange RMI pointer to show the bearing to the second VOR tuned in on the Garmin SL30, but held in standby? The Garmin unit itself displays the bearing to the standby station in parentheses, e.g. (110).
Or, is this only possible when using an intermediate HS-34 panel? As best as I can tell, the EFIS manual only talks about BRG SRC in association with the HS-34.
Has anybody done this? If so, steps?