roll and turn indication in level flight


New Member
Dec 1, 2007
I just got my D10A back from repair. It tested fine on the ground, but in the air, it initially indicated a ~30deg roll to the right in level flight. The turn coordinator bar also indiated a turn. Towards the end of the flight, errors were down to about 10 degrees. Again, after landing everything was fine on the ground. Flew again today and the same thing, except the max error in level flight was about a 5 deg turn initially and about 3 deg at the end of the flight. The turn indicator seems overly sensitive and somewhat biased to the right. At one point, I was stopped dead on the ground and indicating a slight turn.

Should I reload the firmware? Any suggestions or will this go away in time?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
That's a lot more than we expect, but the EFIS does "learn" about your airplane in flight and it self-calibrates. Sounds like it is doing this well in your plane. Fly it a few more hours and see if it gets worked out. If not, we'll have to discuss how to get it fixed for you promptly.

As an FYI, it can only do the corrections while in level, coordinated flight, so the more of that you do, the quicker it will self-correct.

Re-loading firmware shouldn't help at all, but it wouldn't hurt either.