Rotax 912S


New Member
Dec 21, 2006
I have just purchased a plane with a Rotax 912S. I want to put an EMS-10 as well as an EFIS 10A. I currently have a tach, CHT, Oil press and oil temp. Will the sending sensors that I currently have work with a new D-10, or do I need the sensor and wiring package, or more simply-what do I need? Any discount if I order both (like on the combined unit ;D)?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The tach, CHT, and oil pressure all come on the Rotax engines and we can use them. The oil temp sensor will need to come from us. We sell a sensor package that only includes the stuff you need, which is a MAP, oil temp, fuel pressure, and EGT probe. If I remember right this package is $295, which is half the price of a Lycoming package.

There isn't any discount for ordering multiple units at once. We used to, but we lowered our prices on the EMS so everyone gets the discount ;)