First, we have had a report that the Lasar worked with no converter, even though the specs say it shouldn't. There's no harm in hooking it up and trying.
The best solution here is probably to run a tach transducer that plugs into the accessory port. Vans sells them as VTACHGEN. This will give you a 12V pulse no matter what your ignition system is.
The Lasar systems are tricky ones. They put out a lot less voltage than any other system we know of. It's hard to support a 7V pulse while you also support a 600V p-lead pulse. We have discussed making a converter, but we only get asked about this about once a year, and it really doesn't make sense for us to spend the engineering time and money on the converter for the volume of them we would sell, especially given there are other solutions.
As an FYI, this is not unique to the Dynon equipment. The GRT engine monitors have the same issue.