
New Member
Nov 1, 2010
I have searched for this answer and found nothing.
I have one mag and one Lightspeed. I read install instruction, but I am not sure.
Where does one connect the EMS sensors for the Mag and for the Lightspeed?


Active Member
Oct 17, 2008
If you install an external sensor on the mag you will only need the one connection to the EMS since it reads the rotation of the magnet in the mag vice the firing signal. You could also use the type sensor which mounts to the tach drive of the accessory case on the rear of the engine.

If you want to hook it up to read firing pulses for each, the installation manual (also available here online) for the Skyview covers this but basically the mag connection goes through a resistor on the P lead while the Lightspeed goes from a pin on the Output connector (detailed in the Lightspeed manual) directly to the EMS pin. If the Lightspeed is very old, it will not have a sufficient voltage wave to read properly. Klaus will modify it free if you send it to him. If the Lightspeed is not very old (more than 10 years I think) the pulse from the pin on the output connector will be fine and is fed through a resistor to the EMS pin for the side it is on.


New Member
Nov 18, 2010
Depending on the version/options of your LS ignition box, it should have a 10V RPM output that can be fed into the low-voltage RPM input of the Skyview. I actually had to send my LS box back to Klaus to get him to put the RPM output option in, but I have an older box. I think its a typical option on most modern units.

So, connect the high-voltage RPM input to the p-lead on your mag (through the resistor supplied with the EMS) and the 10V tach output from your LS box to the other low-voltage RPM input and you should be all set.
