RV-6 Pitch and Roll Servo Install questions


Apr 26, 2008
I had the problem (mentioned elsewhere) with accessing the AP Install Support section of the forum, so I'm posting this here.

I have a few questions on the installation of the pitch and roll servos in my flying RV-6.

1. Just one Q on the pitch servo: In the instructions the following is stated (in the section about drilling the bellcrank):

With the servo and bell crank additions in place, torque all fasteners back to original installation specifications and add safety wire where needed.

I plan to drill the bellcrank in place, and then slide the center washer between the halves of the bellcrank, then insert the bolt. Is the reference to torque values referring to the original bellcrank fasteners (which I don't plan to remove or loosen if possible), or to the new fasteners that secure the rod to the bellcrank and servo arm? If its the latter, I didn't see any torque values called out, so what would they be?

2. On the roll servo, from the diagrams, it looks like the picture is showing the right side of the cockpit floor (is that a correct interpretation?). From this I gather that the servo should be mounted in the outboard bay (closest to the side of the fuselage), with the servo arm to the outboard side? Correct?

3. I read that the roll servo can be monted on either side of the floor. If I mount it on the left side, I'd need to rotate the servo 180 degrees from what is shown in the picture to have the servo arm to the outboard side. If I do rotate the servo, it will still operate correctly...is that correct? (I think it's OK, as it seems clockwise rotation of the servo arm will always be right-wing-down, and CCW rotation will always be left-wing-down. All correct?

4. Is there a recommended distance from the aileron push/pull tube to mount the servo, or is it simply make sure the rod doesn't bind the push/pull tube and is clear of the lightening hole in the floor rib?

5. Finally, what safety wiring do you recommend? I see it called out, but wonder what you have been doing with your beta-testers and other installs...I'd like to follow what you have seen to be best practices.

Probably overthinking this, but just want to do it right! Thanks very much!!



Active Member
Mar 23, 2005
Tucson, AZ
1. I also drilled the bellcrank in place and it worked just fine for me. The torque on the AN3 bolt attaching the servo rod to the bellcrank should be 20inlbs, standard AN3 torque value. The safety wire they refer to is for the bellcrank attach bolt if you remove the bellcrank.

2. Yes, the roll servo goes in the outer most bay with the servo arm outboard.

3. There is no problem rotating the servo 180 degrees to place the servo on the left side of the fuselage with the arm outboard. The servo does not care what direction it rotates as you "teach" the servo in the setup calibration routine.

4. Just make sure that the rod and the aileron control tube do not bind on anything through the complete range of stick movements, both pitch and roll.

5. I believe it is good practice to safety wire the bolts that hold the servo to the mounts. The bolts that attach the servo rod to either the servo arm or the control mechanism should use nylock nuts and are not safety wired, as per the rest of the controls in your RV.

I think you have this all worked out already, it is really a straight forward installation.

Best Regards,
Mel Jordan
RV6A beta tester


Apr 26, 2008
Thanks very much Mel. It all makes sense, and I appreciate your confirmation on the Q's!

Hey, any chance you have pix of your P&R Servo installs? If so, any chance of posting them here, or sending them via e-mail? Really appreciate the feedback!
