Screen Freeze caused by USB drive


Active Member
Mar 3, 2008
I am running SkyView firmware version 12.X (I am aware of the v14 issues) and ran into a new situation. I was doing a practice ILS with a safety pilot and when I went to display the ILS chart (Seattle Avionics) on my screen (D-700, SN 1516) the screen froze. Nothing, PFD or MAP, worked. About 3 seconds later the screen came back to life again without me doing anything. My SkyView has over 200hrs, I have been using SA charts for 3yrs and this had never happened before. I tried displaying the chart again and another screen freeze. Hmmmm, it happened each time I tried to load the chart.

Having a dual system (the co-pilot side never failed) I swapped the USB sticks (VERBATIM 32GB USB-3) from Pilot to Co-Pilot and from Co-pilot to Pilot. This time the ILS chart displayed correctly without any problem but when I tried to display the chart on the Co-Pilot display, it froze. So the problem was in the USB stick.

I did a fresh download of the data and tried it again but with the same results. So I re formatted the USB stick and did another fresh download of the data. This time it worked perfectly.

So if you fly IFR, make sure you have redundancy and can safely fly the airplane "partial panel" when, not if, a problem happens.



Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
Once 14.1 comes out, see if that changes the behavior for the better. If not, we may want to get a diagnostic log of that behavior happening to make better sense of it.