Sensors not being recognized by the SV


I love flying!
Oct 1, 2012
I loaded the New Sensor Definition file today. It seemed to make no difference, so I went looking for options of the kind (brand) of sensor that might be recognized. I did find one for the OP that the SV would accept ( Not put the big X on ) however, it shows 5 # pressure when the engine is not running and the warning light comes on when the engine is not running. I thought the SV was not supposed to present engine warnings when the engine was not running and how can I have 5# pressure when the engine is not running?

The SV is also not recognizing my Red Cube for Fuel flow.

After loading the new definitions, I looked everywhere and had a SV user look for the Detect button, thinking that it might now be able to recognize the senders using the new definitions. I could not find it.


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
So - first things's first. The definitions file has calibrations for specific temperature, pressure, etc sensors that SkyView knows how to understand. There are THOUSANDS of temperature and pressure sensors in the world, and they all have unique resistance/voltage curves. The ones that we've characterized for SkyView include the ones we sell along with a few other widely popular sensors. Beyond that, it's impossible to just push a button and have an arbitrary sensor detected. If your sensor isn't DEFINITELY one of the ones listed in the SV pin mapping window, selecting something that happens to not give you a red X or other error doesn't mean that it's the right characterization - it just means that it happens to have a single voltage or resistance that happens to be valid for the sensor that SV is expecting to see.

So with that said - what are you trying to connect here? Is it a pressure sensor from a previous OP technologies installation? In that case, it's not likely to work.

As for the fuel flow sensor - what's the symptom that makes you think your red cube isn't being detected?


I love flying!
Oct 1, 2012
I am going from a D10 to the SV EMS and all the sensors are the same. Another SV pilot came over and helped me some today and I think we found most if not all the sensors. As for the fuel flow, it is now recognizing it, but showing fuel flow when there is none. I will concern myself more about that later, after I get flying and have a chance to calibrate it, since it is now seeing it.